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Techniques for Proper Food Preparation for Seniors 

Techniques for Proper Food Preparation for Seniors  Nutrition is therefore important for the health of the elderly in slowing down deterioration and restoring health to be better. It can also สนใจสมัคร? คลิกที่นี่เพื่อเริ่มต้น reduce the severity of illness from chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood

Recommend food and drink menus to keep away from NCDs

Recommend food and drink menus to keep away from NCDs That of local herbal food, eat well and not get sick. To encourage people to use herbal plants and vegetables to cook food and drinks to promote health and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Such as high blood pressure,

How to develop your brain

How to develop your brain  • How to develop the left brain: Let your child play games that use thinking skills, such as Rubik’s Cube, chess, crosswords, etc., to practice planning and systematic thinking.   • How to develop the right brain: Let your child

Avocado and 10 beauty benefits that you may have overlooked!

Avocado and 10 beauty benefits that you may have overlooked!

Avocado is a multi-purpose fruit that, in addition to being healthy, can also be used to nourish the skin for beauty.  Avocado is a green oval-shaped fruit that Thai people may not eat very often because it is not a local fruit like mangoes, mangosteens, bananas, longans,