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Category Archives: Health

5 solutions to dry and damaged hair from hair dyeing

5 solutions to dry and damaged hair from hair dyeing

Believe that girls who have dyed their hair will definitely face the problem of dry and frizzy hair. But that’s not a problem to worry too much about. Because dry and damaged hair can be solved in various ways that give good results, so that the girls who

Foods you should-shouldn't eat If you are at risk of "gout"

Foods you should-shouldn’t eat If you are at risk of “gout”

high blood uric acid In addition to being a risk factor for gout, gallstones and nephritis May affect patients with tinnitus, ringing in the ears and house rotation. By constricting the blood vessels Poor blood supply to the auditory nerve and balance organs As a result, problems with hearing and balance

Kidney disease, what to eat and what to eat

Kidney disease, what to eat and what to eat

Kidney disease is a disease that many Thai people are experiencing. It is a disease caused by unhygienic eating. and not nutritional unbalanced diet eating too much Accumulated for a long time Finally, it could be kidney disease. but besides salty food There are many things that people with kidney disease. or who are

Having kidney disease, what should I eat besides avoiding salty food?

Having kidney disease, what should I eat besides avoiding salty food?

“Don’t eat too much salt. You will have kidney disease” is a sentence that we may hear from the elders. or someone close to you often When we sit at the same table Of course, eating very salty. It is an important cause of kidney disease as everyone understands. Many people pour